# Content

As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind.

Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of food.

Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our mental power and expand our intellectual capacity.

Constant learning supplies us with fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, analysis, and judgement.

Continuous learning is the best way to keep pace with the times in the information age.

It is a common misunderstanding to regard school as the only place for the acquisition of knowledge.

On the contrary, learning should be an endless process, from the cradle to the grave.

With the world changing so fast, to stop learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind.

Lack of learning will inevitably lead to the stagnation of the mind, or even worse, its fossilization.

Therefore, to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career.

Just like our bodies need food to grow and muscles to get stronger, our minds need learning to expand and become sharper. It's like a daily routine – we should keep learning every day to keep our brains in top shape and to boost our smarts.

Learning all the time gives us the power to think better, analyze stuff, and make smart decisions. Especially in this age of tons of information, if we keep learning, we won't fall behind.

People sometimes think that school is the only place to learn things, but that's not true at all. Learning is a lifelong adventure, starting when we're tiny babies and lasting until we're old. The world changes super quickly, so even taking a break from learning for a little bit can put you behind.

If we stop learning, our minds can get stuck and feel old-fashioned. So, to keep our minds young and fresh, we've got to make learning a part of our whole lives.

Just as nourishment is essential for the body's growth, education plays a parallel role in the development of the mind. The physiological growth and muscular development facilitated by food find their intellectual counterparts in the continuous pursuit of knowledge.

The act of consistent learning furnishes us with the resources necessary to refine our cognitive faculties, including the capacities for logical reasoning, critical analysis, and discerning judgment. In the era dominated by an unprecedented influx of information, the most effective approach to keeping abreast of the times is through unceasing intellectual enrichment.

Misconceptions often arise, erroneously limiting the acquisition of knowledge solely to the confines of formal education institutions. Conversely, the process of learning should be perceived as an unending journey, commencing from infancy and culminating only upon life's conclusion. Given the rapid pace of global transformation, even a brief hiatus from the pursuit of knowledge can result in perceptible regression.

The absence of perpetual learning inevitably engenders stagnation of the intellectual faculties and, in more dire cases, their ossification. Thus, to perpetuate mental youthful vigor, the commitment to lifelong learning becomes imperative.

# Key points

# Line 1

As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind.

Just as正如、就像,强调比较中两者的相似性。
Similar to与… 相似,类似于,强调与另一事物的相似性。
intellectual development智力发展,强调通过学习促进心智的成长和提升。
cognitive faculty认知能力,强调思维、认知和理解的能力。
mental capacity心智能力,强调思考和理解事物的能力。
  • Just as the body requires food, the mind also necessitates learning.
  • Similar to how the body needs sustenance, the mind requires nourishment through learning.
  • In the same vein as the body's reliance on sustenance, the mind's dependence on learning is undeniable.
  • Analogous to the essential nature of food for the body, learning holds a parallel significance for the intellect.

# Line 2

Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of food.

我们的身体成长Our bodies grow强调身体的生长和发展,指涉生理成长过程。
Our physical bodies develop我们的身体发展,强调生理机能的变化和提升。
Our physical forms increase我们的身体形态增长,强调生理方面的增加和发展。
肌肉发展muscles develop肌肉发展,强调肌肉的成长和变得更强壮。
muscles grow肌肉生长,强调肌肉组织的增长和发展。
muscle growth肌肉生长,强调肌肉组织的发展和增加。
muscular development肌肉的发展,强调肌肉组织的变化和提升。
摄入食物intake of food摄入食物,强调食物的进入和吸收过程。
consumption of food消耗食物,强调食物的摄取和利用。
ingestion of nourishment摄入营养,强调营养成分的吸收和摄入。
food consumption食物消耗,强调食物的摄取和使用。
  • Our bodies undergo growth and our muscles develop as a result of the nutrients we consume.
  • The intake of food plays a crucial role in the growth of our bodies and the development of muscles.
  • The process of bodily growth and muscle development is facilitated through the consumption of dietary sustenance.
  • It is imperative to note that the nourishment we ingest plays a pivotal role in fostering the growth of our bodies and the cultivation of muscle mass.

# Line 3

Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our mental power and expand our intellectual capacity.

In the same manner以相同方式、同样方法,强调与前文的相似行为。
学习、学习keep learning继续学习,强调持续地从事学习活动。
continue learning继续学习,强调在之前的基础上持续学习。
maintain learning保持学习,强调持续保持学习的状态。
sustain learning维持学习,强调持续维持学习的态势。
心智力量、智力才能mental power心智力量、智力才能,强调思维和认知的能力。
mental strength心智力量、智力强度,强调心智的力量和强大。
cognitive ability认知能力,强调思维、理解和学习的能力。
intellectual capability智力能力,强调理解和分析问题的能力。
  • Consistently, we must engage in continuous learning to uphold our cognitive prowess and enhance our intellectual aptitude.
  • Similarly, it's crucial to engage in ongoing education to maintain our mental acuity and broaden our cognitive capacity.
  • Equally, it is imperative that we engage in a perpetual process of learning to preserve our cognitive vigor and augment our cognitive potential.
  • Moreover, it is essential that we engage in a continual pursuit of learning in order to sustain our cognitive vitality and augment our cognitive capabilities.

# Line 4

Constant learning supplies us with fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, analysis, and judgement.

持续的学习Constant learning持续的学习,强调不断进行学习的活动。
Continuous learning连续的学习,强调学习的连贯性和持续性。
Ongoing learning持续不断的学习,强调学习的不间断进行。
为我们提供燃料supplies us with fuel为我们提供燃料,强调学习为我们提供支持和动力。
provides us with resources为我们提供资源,强调学习为我们提供所需的资源。
furnishes us with energy为我们提供能量,强调学习为我们注入活力和动力。
驱使我们driving us驱使我们,强调学习对于促使我们行动的影响。
motivating us激励我们,强调学习激发我们的动力和积极性。
pushing us推动我们,强调学习促使我们朝前进。
锐利我们的推理、分析和判断力sharpen our power of reasoning, analysis, and judgement增强我们的推理、分析和判断能力,强调使能力更强大。
enhance our ability to reason, analyze, and judge增强我们推理、分析和判断的能力,强调能力的提升。
improve our capacity for logical thinking, assessment, and evaluation改善我们进行逻辑思维、评估和评判的能力,强调提高能力。
refine our skills in reasoning, evaluating, and making decisions提升我们在推理、评价和决策方面的技能,强调技能的提升。
  • Learning constantly provides us with the necessary fuel to enhance our ability to reason, analyze, and make judgments.
  • Ongoing learning gives us the energy to better our skills in thinking, analyzing, and forming judgments.
  • Continuous learning provides us with the requisite fuel to refine our faculties of reasoning, analysis, and judgment.
  • Perpetual learning equips us with the fuel necessary to hone our powers of reasoning, analysis, and judgment.

# Line 5

Continuous learning is the best way to keep pace with the times in the information age.

持续学习Continuous learning持续学习,强调不间断地进行学习的活动。
Ongoing learning持续不断的学习,强调学习的不间断进行。
Constant learning持续学习,强调持续进行学习的状态。
跟上时代步伐keep pace with the times跟上时代步伐,强调与时俱进、不被时代落下。
stay up to date with the times与时俱进,强调保持与时代的最新发展保持一致。
stay current in the information age在信息时代保持更新,强调信息时代的最新状态。
在信息时代in the information age在信息时代,强调现代社会的信息化特点。
in the era of information在信息时代,强调时代的信息化特征。
in the digital age在数字时代,强调现代社会的数字化趋势。
  • Staying up-to-date in this age of information requires keeping the learning process ongoing.
  • Learning continually stands as the finest approach to remain current in today's information-dominated era.
  • In the contemporary context of the information age, maintaining a commitment to continuous learning stands out as the optimal approach to remain abreast of the prevailing developments.
  • Within the current milieu dominated by information proliferation, the sustained pursuit of learning emerges as the paramount strategy for keeping abreast with the evolving trends.

# Line 6

It is a common misunderstanding to regard school as the only place for the acquisition of knowledge.

常见的误解common misunderstanding常见的误解,强调一种普遍存在的错误观念。
widespread misconception广泛的误解,强调对某事物普遍存在的错误理解。
prevalent misconception流行的误解,强调在许多人之间普遍存在的错误观点。
认为学校是唯一获取知识的地方regard school as the only place认为学校是唯一获取知识的场所,强调学校的独特地位。
consider school as the sole location把学校视为唯一的地方,强调学校的特殊作用。
view school as the exclusive site将学校视为唯一的地点,强调学校的独特性。
获取知识acquisition of knowledge获取知识,强调获得知识的行为。
gaining knowledge获得知识,强调取得知识的过程。
attaining knowledge获得知识,强调达到知识的状态。
obtaining knowledge获得知识,强调获取知识的行动。
educational institution教育机构,强调为教育目的而设立的组织。
educational establishment教育机构,强调为提供教育服务而设立的机构。
  • There's a common misconception that knowledge can only be gained in schools.
  • A common misunderstanding prevails, suggesting that knowledge acquisition solely occurs within the confines of educational institutions.
  • It is widely misconstrued that the acquisition of knowledge is confined exclusively to the realm of educational establishments.
  • A prevalent misapprehension lies in the notion that knowledge procurement is exclusively relegated to the domain of educational institutions.

# Line 7

On the contrary, learning should be an endless process, from the cradle to the grave.

相反地、相反而言On the contrary相反地、相反而言,引出与前文相反的观点。
In contrast相反地、对比而言,强调与前文对照的观点。
学习应该是一个不断的过程learning should be an endless process学习应该是一个不断的过程,强调学习的无限性。
learning should be a continuous journey学习应该是一个持续的旅程,强调学习的连续性。
learning should be an ongoing endeavor学习应该是一个持续的努力,强调学习的不间断性。
从婴儿床到坟墓from the cradle to the grave从婴儿时期到死亡,强调生命的全程。
from birth to death从出生到死亡,强调生命周期的始终。
throughout one's life在一个人的一生中,强调整个生命周期。
from infancy to the end of life从婴儿期到生命的终点,强调整个生命周期。
  • Of course not. Learning is an ongoing endeavor, commencing from birth and persisting until the end of one's existence.
  • Absolutely not the case. Education is meant to be an ongoing journey, starting from birth and continuing until the end of life.
  • On the contrary, the assumption is invalid; the process of learning should be ceaseless, originating from early childhood and persisting until the end of one's lifetime.
  • Conversely, the acquisition of knowledge should be regarded as an unceasing trajectory, commencing at the dawn of life and persevering beyond the cessation of life's journey.

# Line 8

With the world changing so fast, to stop learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind.

随着世界变化如此迅速,With the world changing so fast,随着世界变化如此迅速,强调世界的快速变化。
Given the rapid changes in the world,鉴于世界的快速变化,强调变化的速度。
As the world evolves rapidly,随着世界快速演变,强调变化的进程。
停止学习只是几天,就会使一个人落后to stop learning for just a few days停止学习只是短短几天,就会使一个人落后,强调学习的连续性。
taking a break from learning for only a few days停止学习只是暂停几天,会使一个人掉队。
pausing learning for just a brief period暂停学习仅仅几天,将导致一个人的滞后。
使一个人落后make a person lag behind使一个人落后,强调因学习中断而滞后。
cause a person to fall behind导致一个人掉队,强调因停止学习而滞后。
result in a person falling behind导致一个人落后,强调因中断学习而滞后。
  • The pace at which the world is evolving is remarkable; even a brief interruption in learning, spanning just a few days, can result in an individual falling behind.
  • In today's rapidly changing world, a mere pause in one's learning journey, even for a short span of a few days, can lead to an individual lagging behind.
  • In the current era of rapid global shifts, the mere cessation of learning for a matter of days bears the potential to relegate an individual to a position of stagnation.
  • Given the swift pace at which our world is undergoing metamorphosis, even a brief intermission in the pursuit of knowledge, lasting merely a few days, can engender a situation where an individual finds oneself trailing.

# Line 9

Lack of learning will inevitably lead to the stagnation of the mind, or even worse, its fossilization.

缺乏学习Lack of learning缺乏学习,强调缺少学习的情况。
Absence of learning学习的缺席,强调学习的不足。
Failure to learn未能学习,强调未能进行学习活动。
必然导致思维停滞will inevitably lead to the stagnation of the mind必然导致思维停滞,强调缺乏学习会造成思维停滞。
will unavoidably result in a stagnant mind必然会导致思维停滞,强调结果是思维的停滞。
will necessarily cause the mind to become stagnant必然会导致思维停滞,强调结果是思维的停滞。
will inevitably bring about mental stagnation必然会导致心智停滞,强调结果是心智的停滞。
或甚至更糟糕,它的僵化or even worse, its fossilization或甚至更糟糕,它的僵化,强调结果可能更糟糕,甚至变得僵化。
or, worse yet, its petrification或者,更糟糕的是,它的石化,强调更糟糕的可能性。
or, even more direly, its ossification或者,甚至更严重的是,它的骨化,强调更严重的情况。
or, even more seriously, its rigidity或者,甚至更严重的是,它的刚性,强调更严重的情况。
  • Not learning enough can make your mind get stuck and not improve, or even worse, make it become old-fashioned.
  • If you don't learn new things, your mind can stop progressing and even become outdated.
  • Insufficient engagement in learning processes inevitably precipitates cognitive stagnation, or in graver scenarios, culminates in cognitive obsolescence.
  • The dearth of proactive learning may inevitably culminate in cognitive stagnation, or, in more dire circumstances, lead to cognitive fossilization.

# Line 10

Therefore, to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career.

保持心智年轻stay mentally young保持心智年轻,强调保持心智的年轻状态。
remain mentally youthful保持心智年轻,强调保持心智的青春状态。
maintain mental youth保持心智青春,强调维持心智的年轻状态。
把学习作为一辈子的职业take learning as a lifelong career把学习作为一辈子的职业,强调持续终身的学习态度。
consider learning a lifelong pursuit将学习视为终身追求,强调持续不断的学习追求。
view learning as a lifelong vocation把学习视为终身职业,强调持续终身的学习态度。
  • In order to retain youthful mental agility, it is imperative that we embrace learning as a lifelong vocation.
  • To maintain cognitive vitality, it is essential that we adopt a lifelong commitment to learning.
  • Hence, to preserve mental youthfulness, it is incumbent upon us to consider learning as a perpetual profession.
  • Thus, in order to sustain mental juvenescence, we must regard learning as a lifelong pursuit.