# Part 1

  1. Do you know when Antarctica was officially discovered?

    • -
    • the
    • an
    • a

    'The' is not used before names of continents.

  2. Bronx is the third most densely populated county in the U.S.

    • the
    • -
    • a
    • an

    'The' is not used before names of cities and suburbs, but there are some exceptions: the Hague, the Bronx, the Plains (Virginia).

  3. The last eruption of Kilimanjaro volcano happened about 200 years ago.

    • the
    • -
    • a
    • an

    When the word 'volcano' is used, the definite article 'THE' should be placed before the name of the volcano.

  4. It has been announced that Pope is going to visit Warsaw.

    • an
    • -
    • a
    • the

    We know that there is the only Pope in the world, so we use definite article 'the'.

  5. They have been married for sixteen years.

    • -
    • a
    • an
    • the

    When we use numerals before nouns we don't use articles.

  6. I heard dog barking somewhere in the slum.

    • the
    • an
    • a
    • -

    We use the article 'a' with singular countable nouns when we talk about them in general.

  7. The travel company made us advantageous offer.

    • an
    • a
    • nothing
    • the

    We use articles 'a/an' to show the quantity - only one. 'An' is used before words starting with sounds [a], [e], [i], [o], [u]

  8. The US has an air base in Indian ocean.

    • the
    • -
    • a
    • an

    'The' is used before names of oceans.

  9. There is table and four chairs in the kitchen.

    • an
    • -
    • a
    • the

    We use the article 'a' with singular countable nouns to show quantity - only one.

  10. The most famous carnival is celebrated in Brazil.

    • -
    • the
    • an
    • a

    'The' is not used before names of countries, but there are some exceptions: the Netherlands, the Argentine, the Vatican City, the Sudan.