14k 13 分钟

Chapter 17 – Distributed software engineering Chapter 18 - Service-oriented software engineering # Quiz Service-oriented architecture is an approach to software engineering where reusable, standardized services are the basic building blocks for application systems. Service-Oriented Architecture...
13k 12 分钟

Chapter 15 - Software reuse Chapter 16 - Component Based SWE # Quiz Component-based software engineering is not a reuse-based approach. It is mean to develop systems that are implemented once and solely used for that application. To make independent, distributed components work together, you need...
11k 10 分钟

Chapter 14 - Resilience Engineering # Quiz Resilience engineering does not focus on avoiding failure but rather on accepting the reality that failures will occur Which of the following are resilience activities involved in the detection of and recovery from system...
11k 10 分钟

# Clustering # Introductions Clustering is an unsupervised learning method which can be used to discover the underlying pattern in the data structure. 聚类是一种无监督的学习方法,可以用来发现数据结构中的潜在模式。 For example, it can be used to group unlabelled data 例如,它可以用于对未标记的数据进行分组 # K-Means Clustering Requirements: numerical...
9.3k 8 分钟

Chapter 12 - Safety engineering Chapter 13 - Security engineering # Quiz Safety-critical systems are systems whose failure can lead to human injury or death. Static analysis is an approach to V & V that examines the source code (or other representation) of a system, looking for errors and...
14k 12 分钟

# Introductions Classification is a kind of supervised learning. 分类是一种监督学习。 It is used to predict the value in a nominal variable which is also called 'label'. 它用于预测名义变量 (也称为 “标签”) 中的值。 The factors that are used for predictions are called features. 用于预测的因素称为特征。 import numpy as npimport scipy...
8.2k 7 分钟

A design pattern is a way of reusing abstract knowledge about a problem and its solution A project plan, is created at the beginning of a project and is never touched again A software process model (sometimes called a Software Development Life Cycle or SDLC model) is a simplified representation of...
5.7k 5 分钟

Chapter 7 - Design, Implementation Chapter 8 - Software Testing # Quiz Software design and implementation is the stage in the software engineering process at which an executable software system is developed. A design pattern is a way of reusing abstract knowledge about a problem and its...
2.4k 2 分钟

# Data and Data Types Attribute (ordimensions, features, variables): a data field, representing a characteristic or feature of a data object. 属性 (或维度、特征、变量):数据字段,表示数据对象的特征或特征。 E.g., customer_ID, name, address Types Categorical Nominal 标称型变量 Binary 二元的 Ordinal 有序的 Numerical Interval-scaled or...