25k 23 分钟

# Notes # Servlet Let - suffix. Diminutive suffix. Smaller. 后缀。较小的后缀。小一点。 Little Server, Part of a Server, Server-like 小服务器,服务器的一部分,类似服务器 Servlets: Smaller - yes. Lesser - no! # HttpServlet Read explicit data sent by client (such as form data, request parameters) 读取客户端发送的显式数据(例如表单数据,请求参数) Read...
17k 16 分钟

# Integration Project Management 综合项目管理 Integration Project Management is… ”…the processes and activities to identify, define, combine, unify, and coordinate” various Project Management activities.” (p.69) 确定、定义、合并、统一和协调各种项目管理活动的流程和活动 Main ideas… Resource allocations 资源分配 Balancing competing...
26k 23 分钟

# Project 项目 Defined 定义: PMI’s Definition of Project (PMBOK 6th ed., p.715) “A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result.” 为创造独特的产品、服务或结果,而付出的暂时努力。 PMBOK - Project Management Body Of Knowledge(美国的项目管理知识体系) # Why do we do projects 为什么要做项目 # Vision, Mission...
15k 14 分钟

Topic(s) Suggested Readings Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism Chap. 10 Exceptions and Advanced File IO Chap. 11 Java Gui's – Swing / JavaFX Chap. 12-14 (plus supplements) Generics Chap. 17 Collections (maps, sets, lists) Chap. 18 Linked Lists Chaps. 19 Stacks, Queues Chap....
581 1 分钟

# Notes # TEST DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT (TDD) # What TDD is a tool for developers that aides in the development of high quality code. # Why Benefits for new code: TDD encourages more thorough analysis 进行更彻底的分析 TDD encourages better design 更好的设计 TDD encourages more modular code 使用更多模块化代码 TDD encourages...
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# Notes # Regex Java Subexpression Matches ^ Matches beginning of line. 匹配行首。 $ Matches end of line. 匹配行尾。 . Matches any single character except newline. Using m option allows it to match newline as well. 匹配除换行符以外的任何单个字符。使用 m 选项还可以使其与换行符匹配。 [...] Matches any single character in...
7.2k 7 分钟

# Notes # Object Serialization # serialize If an object contains other types of objects as fields, saving its contents can be complicated. 如果对象包含其他类型的对象作为字段,则保存其内容可能会很复杂。 Java allows you to serialize objects, which is a simpler way of saving objects to a file. Java 允许您序列化对象,这是将对象保存到文件的一种更简单的方法。 When...
6.3k 6 分钟

To start the design process for your final project you may follow the steps below: Define tasks to be accomplished by your product. If you are a team of 5 – you will define 5 individual goals. If 3 then 3 goals. Each task to accomplish your goals has to be fairly complex – about 10...
52k 48 分钟

# Notes # Getting started with FX The start method is the heart of any JavaFX application. The method is called when the application is loaded, and a reference to the application's primary Stage is passed as a parameter. The start method creates the Scene object and displays it in the...