To start the design process for your final project you may follow the steps below:

  1. Define tasks to be accomplished by your product. If you are a team of 5 – you will define 5 individual goals. If 3 then 3 goals. Each task to accomplish your goals has to be fairly complex – about 10 steps.
    定义产品要完成的任务。如果您是 5 人组成的团队,则将定义 5 个独立目标。如果 3 则 3 个目标。完成目标的每个任务都必须相当复杂 - 大约 10 个步骤。

  2. Identify an existing product that could be used to accomplish a similar goal as chosen in step 1. You can choose a different existing product for each of the goal in step1.
    标识可用于实现与步骤 1 中选择的目标相似的现有产品。您可以在步骤 1 中为每个目标选择不同的现有产品。

  3. Each group member should pick one goal and perform a contextual inquiry (CI) selecting two users for the task. Select the user who is most likely to use your product.
    每个小组成员应选择一个目标并执行 CI,为任务选择两个用户。选择最有可能使用您的产品的用户。

  4. Each group member should make clear and complete report of the product chosen, the CI and the detailed tasks and scripts that they have created.
    每个小组成员应清楚,完整地报告所选产品,CI 以及他们创建的详细任务和脚本。

  5. Each group member should document in details the response received from the user interview during the CI.
    每个小组成员应详细记录,在 CI 期间从用户访谈中收到的答复。

  6. Each group member should run a Heuristic Evaluation (HE) of the existing interface using the goal they have chosen.

  7. Once the CI data is obtained and the HE information is documented – the group members should consolidate the information as a team and draw up an Affinity Diagram if necessary (this diagram is optional). An integration of the various tasks is required at this step. Group members should get together and decide on the modification needed for the tasks to be performed on the new design. Group members should brainstorm ideas for final design.
    一旦获取了 CI 数据并记录了 HE 信息–小组成员应将信息作为一个团队进行合并,并在必要时绘制一个亲和图(此图是可选的)。在此步骤中,需要整合各种任务。小组成员应该聚在一起,并决定要在新设计上执行的任务所需的修改。小组成员应集思广益,以进行最终设计。

  8. Each group member should draw a Flow diagram for their task and document this as part of the project documentation.

  9. Group members as a team should design a User Interface which would help accomplish all the tasks.

  10. Group members as a team should draw sketches and build a low fidelity prototype for the interface. This interface will be for the new design and it needs to start from a single top level UI and branch out to individual screens for separate tasks. As the UI screens branch out – each member responsible for the specific task will need to design that branch of the UI.
    小组成员应以团队为基础绘制草图,并构建低保真度的原型。该界面将用于新设计,它需要从单个顶级 UI 开始,并分支到单独的屏幕以执行单独的任务。当 UI 屏幕分支出来时 - 负责特定任务的每个成员都需要设计 UI 的分支。

  11. After the design is done and a low fidelity prototype is prepared – each group member should run HE on the new design using goals of another member of the group. Iterate this HE process at least 2 times to refine the design.
    完成设计并准备好低保真原型后–每个小组成员均应使用小组另一成员的目标,对新设计运行 HE。至少重复此 HE 过程 2 次以完善设计。

  12. Each group member should take the low fidelity prototype back to their users and perform CI for their task on the new design.
    每个小组成员都应将低保真度的原型带回用户手中,并对新设计的任务执行 CI。

  13. Document these inquiries and HE as part of the project documentation.
    将这些 CI 和 HE 记录为项目文档的一部分。

  14. Finally group members jointly build the final prototype with any tool they are comfortable with. Power Point is the suggested tool for building the finished prototype.
    最终小组成员使用他们愿意使用的任何工具,共同构建最终原型。 Power Point 是用于构建最终原型的建议工具。

  15. Prepare the final project documentation for submission with separate slide presentation to be presented in the class.

  16. Submit all CI and HE documentation in PDF format along with the final presentation.
    以 PDF 格式提交所有 CI 和 HE 文档以及最终演示文稿。

  17. The slide presentation has to be made with audio. Group members will all contribute to make of the slide presentation and can choose one member to provide the narration on the slides. Below is a link to prepare slide presentation with audio using PowerPoint:
    幻灯片演示必须带有音频。小组成员都将为幻灯片演示做出贡献,并且可以选择一名成员在幻灯片上提供旁白。以下是使用 PowerPoint 准备带音频的幻灯片演示文稿的链接:

# Clarification on the sequence of CI and HE

明确 CI 和 HE 的顺序

Before designing your interface

  1. Perform CI on existing interface to generate requirements for design/redesign - using your goal
    使用目标在现有接口上执行配置项以生成设计 / 重新设计要求
  2. Perform HE on the existing interface - use the interface portion related to your goal
    在现有界面上执行 HE - 使用与您的目标相关的界面部分

After designing your interface

  1. Perform CI on the new design prototype that you created - using your goal
    使用您的目标对您创建的新设计原型执行 CI
  2. Perform HE on the new design - use the interface portion of another team member.
    对新设计执行 HE - 使用另一个团队成员的界面部分。

# Final presentation Slides

Each team will give a short PowerPoint presentation (10-15 min long) covering the following:
每个小组将作一个简短的 PowerPoint 演示文稿(长 10-15 分钟),内容如下:

  • Who is your team
  • What is your product
  • How did you come up with this idea
  • What is the business need
  • How is your product different from competitors
  • Narration of the functioning of your product

The final presentation slides must include story board or other illustrations showing how the product functions. Each group member must work on the presentation and may select on representative for the group to narrate on the slide presentation.
最终的演示幻灯片必须包括故事板或其他说明产品功能的插图。 每个小组成员都必须参与演示,并可以选择代表作为小组成员来演示幻灯片演示。

Online students should mail in the narration enhanced Power Point slides to be played during the final presentation day in class. Students who will be present in class on the final presentation day will get to grade each presentation.

# Final Project Presentation Grading

# Presentation of Information 25


  1. Story of work: statement of goals/purpose, faming/context of work, structure/flow
    工作经历:目标 / 目的的陈述,工作的名称 / 背景,结构 / 流程
  2. Appeal/appearance: graphics, text balance/quantity, quality of multimedia (not blurry or hard to hear), quality of results charts and graphs
    外观 / 外观:图形,文本平衡 / 数量,多媒体质量(不模糊或不易听到),结果图表和图形的质量
  3. Speaker skill: loudness level, speaking rate, confidence, enthusiasm/interest
    演讲者技能:响度,说话率,信心,热情 / 兴趣

# Discussion of User Requirements: 35


  1. Description of users: methods for identifying who, demographics and other characteristics
  2. Description of tasks/context of use: methods for identifying tasks/contexts, characteristics
    任务 / 使用背景说明:确定任务 / 使用背景,特征的方法
  3. Review of competitive analysis or other analysis of related solutions
  4. Description of design requirements: mapping to identified needs, specific criteria/features/attributes, and their purpose, use cases
    设计要求的描述:映射到已识别的需求,特定的标准 / 功能 / 属性及其目的,用例

# Discussion of User Interface: 40


  1. Description of implementation of user requirements: show the connection between identified requirements and features included in the design, steps or stages for implementing (including outside help, specific resource needs)
  2. Implementation quality: clarity of approach, accessibility of design (are certain users excluded?), information architecture, integration of and conformance with effective design principles, quality of UI demo (video/audio, realtime, screenshots)
    实施质量:方法的清晰性,设计的可访问性(某些用户是否被排除在外?),信息体系结构,有效的设计原则的集成和一致性,UI 演示的质量(视频 / 音频,实时,屏幕截图)