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# Notes # Collections A Collection is a group of individual objects represented as a single unit. 集合是一组表示为单个单元的单个对象。 Java provides Collection Framework which defines several classes and interfaces to represent a group of objects as a single unit. Java 提供了 Collection...
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# 重点 # 尼尔森十大可用性原则 参考链接: 尼尔森的十大可用性原则 —Jakob Nielsen 尼尔森十大原则由毕业于哥本哈根的人机交互学博士 Jakob Nielsen 发表,Jakob Nielsen 对人机交互有很多研究,他提出十大可用性原则,用来评价用户体验的好坏,每个产品设计者都可以根据这十大原则进行自查。 # 1️⃣ Visibility of system status 系统可见性原则 保持界面的状态可见,变化可见,内容可见。 让用户知道发生了什么,在适当的时间内做出适当的反馈。...
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# Different from PCs or web Immediate requests 立即要求 Short interactions, frequently interrupted 互动简短,经常被打断 Public use 公共用途 Fashion statement 时尚宣言 Less business-oriented 较少以业务为导向 More value to design 更具设计价值 Little engagement 很少参与 Must always be able to answer the phone 必须始终能够接听电话 # Mobile...
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# Notes # Generic Classes and Methods Generics add stability and code efficiency to your code work. 泛型为编程工作增加了稳定性和编码效率。 A generic class or method is one whose definition uses a placeholder for one or more of the types it works with. 泛型类或方法是一种其定义使用占位符的类或方法。 The placeholder is really a type...
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# What is Heuristic Evaluation 启发式评估 Performed by an Expert 由专家进行 Steps Inspect UI thoroughly 彻底检查用户界面 Compare UI against heuristics 启发式地比较用户界面 List usability problems 列出可用性问题 Explain and justify each problem with heuristics 用启发式方法解释并论证每个问题 Provide a possible solution to the identified...
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# Notes An exception handler is a section of code that gracefully responds to exceptions. 异常处理程序是一段可以优雅地响应异常的代码。 # Types of Exceptions Checked Exceptions 已检查的异常 The exceptions which are checked by the compiler for smooth execution of program at runtime are called checked...
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# Notes The Four CornerStones of OOP! OOP 的四个基石! Abstraction (vs. Interfaces) 抽象(与接口) Polymorphism (many shapes and forms) 多态性(许多形状和形式) Inheritance (Type/subtype) 继承(类型 / 子类型) Encapsulation (data hiding) 封装(数据隐藏) # Abstraction 抽象 A class that is declared using abstract keyword is known as abstract...
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# What to do with all data? 如何处理所有数据? How to organize and use data from contextual inquiry? 如何组织和使用情境访谈的数据 # Recommended technique Use Graphical Models (diagrams) 推荐技术:使用图形模型 Integrate 整合 Summarize 总结 Point back to the data 指向数据 Help inspire and guide design 帮助启发和指导设计 Provide shared...
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# How to Innovate Contextual Inquiry A vs. B studies Contextual Analysis (Design) Questionnaires Paper prototypes Surveys Think-aloud protocols Interaction Relabeling Heuristic Evaluation Log analysis Story Boarding Focus groups Affinity diagrams (WAAD) Card sorting Personas Diary...
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# Notes Make use of methods to implement arrays. Arrays can be passed into parameter list and can be returned in the method block. 利用方法实现数组。 数组可以传递到参数列表中,并可以在方法块中返回。 Ex. Create array 创建数组 Print array 打印数组 Sort array (swapping elements by position) 对数组排序(按位置交换元素) Search array 搜索数组 Highest value in...