# Getting to Know Data

# Types of the Data

「机器学习实战」摘录 - 两种类型的目标变量

数值型目标变量则可以从无限的数值集合中取值,如 0.100、42.001、1000.743 等。数值型目标变量主要用于回归分析。
标称型目标变量的结果只在有限目标集中取值,如真与假、动物分类集合 {爬行类、鱼类、哺乳类、两栖类}。

# Qualitative (Categorical/Nominal) 定性(标称型)

  • Nominal = Values are strings 值是字符串
  • Special Nominal Variable 特殊标称型变量
    • Binary, such as gender 二元的,如性别
    • Ordinal, such as letter grade (A, B, C, F) 有序的,如字母等级

# Quantitative (Numerical) 定量(数值型)

  • Discrete, we need to count to get values 离散的,需要计数来获取值
    Example: number of students in the class 例子:班上的学生人数
  • Continuous, we need to measure to get values 连续的,需要衡量才能得到价值
    Example: the length of the table 示例:表格的长度
  • If you observe that a column of numbers, it is not guaranteed that this variable is a numerical variable
  • These numbers may be encoded for some reason, for example, 1 - India, 2 - China, 3 - France, 4 - Spain
    这些数字可以出于某种原因进行编码,例如,1 - 印度、2 - 中国、3 - 法国、4 - 西班牙
  • You need to be careful about the data types in a data set

# KDD Process: Data PreProcessing

# Data Quality

Measures for data quality: A multidimensional view

  • Accuracy: correct or wrong, accurate or not
  • Completeness: not recorded, unavailable, …
  • Consistency: some modified but some not, dangling, …
  • Timeliness: timely update?
  • Believability: how trustable the data are correct?
  • Interpretability: how easily the data can be understood?

# Major Tasks in Data PreProcessing

  • Data Cleaning
  • Data Integration
  • Data Transformation
  • Data Reduction

# Data Cleaning 数据清理

  • Real world application data can be dirty

    • Incomplete: missing values
    • Noisy: errors, outliers, e.g., salary = 10
      杂乱:错误、异常值,例如,工资 = 10
    • Inconsistent: 80, 90, A, B, C
  • Data cleaning attempts to 数据清理尝试

    • Fill in missing values 填写缺少的值
    • Smooth out noisy data 消除噪音数据
    • Correct inconsistencies 纠正不一致
    • Remove irrelevant data 删除无关数据

# Missing Values 缺失值

  • Data is not always available (missing attribute values in records)
    • equipment malfunction 设备故障
    • deleted due to inconsistency or misunderstanding 由于不一致或误解而删除
    • not considered important at time of data gathering 在收集数据时被认为不重要

# Solving Missing Data if it is numerical variable.

Exp: age

  • Ignore the record with missing values 忽略缺少值的记录
  • Fill in the missing values manually 手动填写缺少的值
  • Fill in the missing values automatically 自动填写缺少的值
    • Use a global constant to fill in missing values
    • Use the attribute mean value to filling missing values of that attribute
    • Use the attribute mean for all samples belonging to the same class to fill in the missing values
    • Build a predictive model (e.g., regression model) to predict missing values
      建立预测模型 (如回归模型) 来预测缺失值

# Fill in Missing Data if it is nominal variable

Exp: gender

  • Use a global constant to fill in missing values, e.g., NULL
    使用一个全局常数来填充缺失的值,例如 null
  • Use the most frequent value to filling missing values of that attribute
  • Use the most frequent value belonging to the same class to fill in the missing values
  • Build a predictive model (e.g., classification model) to predict missing values
    建立一个预测模型 (例如,分类模型) 来预测缺失值

# Noisy Data 噪声数据

Solutions to reduce noisy data when the variance is large

# Binning

  • first sort data and partition into (equal frequency) bins
    首先对数据进行分类,并划分到 (等频率的) 容器中
  • then one can smooth by bin means, smooth by bin median, smooth by bin boundaries

Original Data for “price” (after sorting):
“价格” 的原始数据(排序后):
4, 8, 15, 21, 21, 24, 25, 28, 34
再分别将 容器中的每个值都将替换为容器的平均值,或者 将每个容器中的最小值和最大值都标识出来 (即边界),容器中的每个值都用最接近的边界值替换。

  • Steps in Binning
    1. Rank the values from smaller to larger
    2. Make a decision how many bins you need, i.e., you need to decide a bin size if you want to create bins with equal length
    3. Create bins equally (Note: the last bin may not have the equal length)
      平等地创建容器 (注意:最后一个容器的长度可能不相等)
    4. Choose a strategy (by means or boundaries ) to transform value in each bin
      选择一个策略 (通过平均值或边界) 来转换每个容器中的值

# Other Methods

  • Regression 回归
    • smooth by fitting the data into regression functions
  • Clustering 分类归并
    • detect and remove outliers
    • Similar values are organized into groups (clusters).
      相似的值被组织成组 (集群)。
      Values falling outside of clusters may be considered “outliers” and may be candidates for elimination.
      集群以外的值可能被认为是” 异常值”,并可能被排除。
  • Combined computer and human inspection
    • detect suspicious values and check by human (e.g., deal with possible outliers)

# Data Integration 数据集成

  • Data analysis may require a combination of data from multiple sources into a coherent data store

  • Challenges in Data Integration 数据集成的挑战

    • Schema integration 模式集成
      CID = C_number= Cust-id = cust#
    • Identity identification problem 身份识别问题
      Bill Clinton = William Clinton
    • Data value conflicts 数据值冲突
      different representations or scales, e.g., $ and ¥
    • Redundant attributes 冗余属性
      redundant if it can be derived from other attributes
      may be able to identify redundancies via correlation analysis

# Correlation Analysis 相关分析

If two variables have strong correlations, it means that they may change together!

  • Two numerical variables: Pearson correlation
  • One numerical vs one nominal variable: ANOVA
  • Two nominal variables
    • Conditional probabilities
    • Chi square test

# For Numeric Data Only: Pearson correlation 仅适用于数值数据:皮尔逊相关性

  • Perfect linear correlation between X and Y:
    X 和 Y 之间的完美线性相关性:
    100% of the variation in Y is explained by variation in X
    Y 的变化 100% 可以用 X 的变化来解释
  • Weaker linear correlation between X and Y:
    X 和 Y 之间的线性相关性较弱:
    Some but not all of the variation in Y is explained by variation in X
    Y 的部分 (但不是全部) 变化可以用 X 的变化来解释

rA,B=i=1n(aiAˉ)(biBˉ)(n1)σAσB=i=1n(aibi)nAˉBˉ(n1)σAσBr_{A, B}=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(a_{i}-\bar{A}\right)\left(b_{i}-\bar{B}\right)}{(n-1) \sigma_{A} \sigma_{B}}=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(a_{i} b_{i}\right)-n \bar{A} \bar{B}}{(n-1) \sigma_{A} \sigma_{B}}

where n is the number of tuples, and are the respective means of A and B,
σA and σB are the respective standard deviation of A and B, and Σ(aibi) is the sum
of the AB cross-product.
其中nn 是元组的个数,并且是AABB 各自的平均值,σA\sigma_{A}σB\sigma_{B} 分别是 A 和 B 的标准差,i=1n(aibi)\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(a_{i} b_{i}\right) 是 AB 乘积的和。

  • If rA,B>0r_{A, B} > 0, A and B are positively correlated (A’s values increase as B’s).
    A 和 B 是正相关的 (A 的值随着 B 的增加而增加)。
    The higher, the stronger correlation.
  • rA,B=0r_{A, B} = 0: independent 独立的
  • rA,B<0r_{A, B} < 0: negatively correlated 负相关

# Between Nominal and Numerical Variables: ANOVA

  1. Be sure that the observations arise from independent groups!
  2. Draw side by side box plots for the groups, to visualize the differences among the groups and the within group variation
  3. Estimate the ANOVA regression model for t=1,,Kt=1,…,K where the errors eite_{it} are normally distributed and with constant standard deviation σ\sigma .
    估计t=1Kt=1,…,K 的方差分析回归模型,其中误差eite_{it} 为正态分布,且具有恒定的标准偏差σ\sigma
    Use the regression F test to check the hypothesis that the averages are equal.
    使用回归 F 检验,检验平均值相等的假设。
  4. Examine the residuals to verify that the model assumptions are satisfied.

# For Nominal Data Only: Conditional probabilities

Correlation analysis: Pr(A,B)/Pr(A).Pr(B)Pr(A,B) / Pr(A).Pr(B)

  • = 1 : independent,
  • > 1 : positive correlation,
  • < 1 : negative correlation.

# For Nominal Data Only: Chi-square test

χ2=(ObservedExpected)2Expected\chi^{2}=\sum \frac{(\text { Observed }-\text { Expected })^{2}}{\text { Expected }}

The larger the χ2\chi^{2} value, the more likely the variables are related.
χ2\chi^{2} 值越大,变量关联的可能性越大。
The cells that contribute the most to the χ2\chi^{2} value are those whose actual count is very different from the expected count.
χ2\chi^{2} 值贡献最大的单元格是那些实际计数与预期计数非常不同的单元格。

The test is applied when you have two categorical variables from a single population.
It is used to determine whether there is a significant association between the two variables.

Null hypothesis: two variables are independent

Coding by R and Python

  • http://www.rtutor.com/elementarystatistics/goodness-fit/chi-squared-test-independence
  • https://thinkingneuron.com/how-to-measure-the-correlation-between-two-categorical-variables-in-python/

# Data Transformation 数据变换

Why we need transformation? 为什么我们需要转变?

  • Attribute values are at different scales 属性值在不同的尺度上
  • Difficult for comparison 很难比较
  • Different Data Formats 不同的数据格式
  • Special requirements by specific data mining tasks 特殊要求的具体数据挖掘任务

What are the popular transformation tasks 什么是常用的转变任务

  • Smoothing by binning
  • Data Normalization
  • Data Discretization

# Normalization 归一化

Sometimes, we need to use values in the same scale 有时需要使用相同尺度的值

  • Min-max Normalization 极小极大归一化
    can produce values in any new scale 可以在任何新的尺度下产生价值
  • Z-score Normalization Z 分归一化
    no controls on the new scales 新缩放没有控制
  • Decimal Scaling for Normalization 十进制缩放归一化
    can produce values in [-1, 1] 可产生 [-1, 1] 之间的值

# Min-max Normalization 极小极大归一化

xi=ximinximaxximinxi(newmaxnewmin)+newminx_{i}^{\prime}=\frac{x_{i}-\min x_{i}}{\max x_{i}-\min x_{i}}(\text { new } \max -\text { new } \min )+\text { new } \min

# Z-score Normalization Z 分归一化

v=(vMean)/Stdevv^{\prime}=(v-\text { Mean }) / \text { Stdev }

After transformation, mean = 0, Stdev = 1

# Decimal Scaling for Normalization 十进制缩放归一化

  • moves the decimal point of vv by jj positions such that jj is the minimum number of positions moved so that absolute maximum value falls in [0..1][0..1].
    vv 的小数点移动 jj 位置,jj 是移动位置的最小数目,使绝对最大值在 [0..1][0..1].

    v=v/10jv^{\prime}=v / 10^{j}

  • Ex: if vv ranges between 56 and 9976, j = 4 ==> v’ ranges between 0.0056 and 0.9976
    如果 vv 在 56 和 9976 之间,j = 4 = > vv^{\prime} 在 0.0056 和 0.9976 之间

# Discretization 离散化

  • From Numeric to Nominal/Ordinal Data

  • From Nominal to Numeric Data
    Assume there are N values in a variable, you just need to create N-1 new columns
    假设变量中有 n 个值,只需要创建 n-1 个新列
    • Special case: when a nominal variable is ordinal variable
      In this case, you can encode them by numbers directly

# Data Reduction 数据简化

  • Data is often too large; reducing data can improve performance
  • Data reduction consists of reducing the representation of the data set while producing the same (or almost the same) results
    数据简化包括缩减数据集的表示,同时产生相同 (或几乎相同) 的结果
  • Data reduction includes:
    • Data cube aggregation 数据立方体聚合
    • Dimensionality reduction 降维
    • Discretization 离散化
    • Numerosity reduction 数量减少
      • Regression 回归
      • Histograms 直方图
      • Clustering 聚集
      • Sampling 抽样

# Data Reduction Techniques

  • Data reduction is necessary in most of the data mining tasks
  • Not all of the data are useful
  • Irrelevant data may leave negative impact on DM
    不相关的数据可能会对 DM 造成负面影响

# HW1 - Basic Correlation Analysis

# Description

Correlation analysis is a basic statistical approach that can capture relationships among pairs of variables.
Such variables ususally represent properties of objects whose values may be stored in columns of a database table.
For example, in a database containing customers, we may want to measure the correlation between the variables "Age" and "Income" or between the variables "Income" and "TotalPurchase", and so on.
例如,在包含客⼾的数据库中,我们可能想要测量变量 “Age” 和 “Income” 之间或变量 “Income” 和 “TotalPurchase” 之间的相关性,等等。

Correlations among variables can be negative or positive.
There are different ways of computing correlations, but in most cases, the correlation is measured as a coefficient ranging from -1 to 1.
有多种计算相关性的⽅法,但在⼤多数情况下,相关性被测量为从 -1 到 1 的系数。
A value close to 0 in this range indicates a lack of correlation.
在此范围内接近 0 的值表⽰缺乏相关性。
Values closer to the boundries -1 or 1 indicate strong negative or positive correlations, respectively. Usually (though not exclusively) strong positive or negative correlations may indicate a causal relationship between the variables.
更接近边界 -1 或 1 的值分别表⽰强烈的负相关或正相关。通常(尽管不是唯一的)强正相关或负相关可能表明变量之间存在因果关系。
For example, there may be a positive correlation between the number of hours of studying for an exam and the score obtained in that exam.

# Computing the Correlation Coefficient 计算相关系数

Given two variables xx and yy (e.g., "Age" and "Income"), the correlation coefficient for xx and yy is given by the ratio of the covariancecovariance of xx and yy to the product of standard deviations of xx and yy. In other words:
给定两个变量 xxyy(例如,“Age” 和 “Income”),xxyy 的相关系数由xxyy 的协⽅差与xxyy 的标准差的乘积之⽐给出。换句话说:

corr(x,y)=cov(x,y)stdev(x)stdev(y)\operatorname{corr}(x, y)=\frac{\operatorname{cov}(x, y)}{\operatorname{stdev}(x) \cdot \operatorname{stdev}(y)}

The covariance cov(x,y)\operatorname{cov}(x, y) is the average of the products of deviations from the mean in each of xx and yy:
协⽅差 cov(x,y)\operatorname{cov}(x, y) 是每个 xxyy 中与平均值的偏差乘积的平均值:

cov(x,y)=1ni(xixˉ)(yiyˉ)\operatorname{cov}(x, y)=\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i}\left(x_{i}-\bar{x}\right) \cdot\left(y_{i}-\bar{y}\right)

In the above, each xix_{i} represents the value of xx in the iith row, xˉ\bar{x} is the mean value of xx , and nn is the total number of values (rows).
上式中,每个xix_{i} 代表第ii 行中xx 的值,xˉ\bar{x}xx 的平均值, nn 是值(行)的总数

# Example

As an example consider the following table with 3 attributes X, Y, and Z.
例如,考虑下表,其中包含 3 个属性 X、 Y 和 Z。

Performing the above correlation computation among all pairs of variables, would result in the following correlation matrix:

Note that the diagonal is always 1 because each variable is perfectly correlated with itself.
请注意,对⻆线始终为 1,因为每个变量都与⾃⾝完全相关。

In this case, there is also a perfect correlation between X and Y (after rounding).
在这种情况下, X 和 Y 之间也存在完美的相关性(四舍五⼊后)。

However, Z shows a strong negative correlation to both X and Y.
然⽽, Z 与 X 和 Y 都显⽰出强烈的负相关。

# Correlations in Microsoft Excel

If the data is available in an Excel spreadsheet, standard statistical functions in Excel can be used to compute correlations.
如果数据在 Excel 电⼦表格中可⽤,则 Excel 中的标准统计函数可⽤于计算相关性。
One option is to use the function CORREL in Excel directly.
一种选择是直接在 Excel 中使⽤函数 CORREL
This function takes as arguments two arrays (for example the data columns for X and Y in the above example) as defined by address ranges.
此函数将两个数组(例如上例中 X 和 Y 的数据列)作为参数,这些数组由地址范围定义。
The function returns the correlation coefficients as in the above example.
In this case, the coefficients must be computed for each pair of variables.

Another option is to use the "Data Analysis" component of Excel.
另一种选择是使⽤ Excel 的 “数据分析” 组件。
This is available under the Toolsmenu item.
If this item cannot be found, then it must not have been installed with Excel.
如果找不到此项⽬,则它一定没有与 Excel 一起安装。
However, it can be added from the original installation source.

Use the Excel Help files to familiarize yourself with various statistical functions, including CORREL , STDEV (for standard deviation), COVAR (for covariance), as well as with the Data Analysis tools in Excel.
使⽤ Excel 帮助⽂件熟悉各种统计函数,包括 CORRELSTDEV (⽤于标准差)、 COVAR (⽤于协⽅差)以及 Excel 中的数据分析⼯具。


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