# Feature Selection and Reduction 特征选择与约简

  • This is very important process in data analytics and data mining.

  • Reason why?

    • Not all of the features are useful
    • I rrelevant features will decrease accuracy
    • Data collection is an expensive process, you cannot simply remove features with your common sense
    • You must remove features or reduce dimensions by specific reasons

# Major Techniques of Dimensionality Reduction 降维的主要技巧

# Feature Selection 特征选择

A process that chooses an optimal subset of features according to a objective function
  • To reduce dimensionality and remove noise
  • To improve mining performance
    • Speed of learning
    • Predictive accuracy
    • Simplicity and comprehensibility of mined results
Output 输出
Only a subset of the original features are selected

Feature Selection

  • Filtering approach Kohavi and John, 1996
  • Wrapper approach Kohavi and John, 1996
  • Embedded methods I.Guyon et. al., 2006

# Feature Extraction/Reduction 特征提取 / 约简

Feature reduction
  • refers to the mapping of the original high-dimensional data onto a lower-dimensional space
  • Given a set of data points of pp variables {x1,x2,xn}\{ x_{1}, x_{2}, \dots x_{n} \}
    Compute their low-dimensional representation:

    xiRdyiRp(p<<d)x_{i} \in \mathfrak{R}^{d} \rightarrow y_{i} \in \mathfrak{R}^{p}(p<<d)

  • Criterion for feature reduction can be different based on different problem settings.
  • Unsupervised setting: minimize the information loss, e.g., PCA
  • Supervised setting: maximize the class discrimination, e.g., LDA
All original features are used
The transformed features are linear combinations of the original features

Dimensionality Reduction

  • Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
  • Nonlinear PCA (Kernel PCA, CatPCA)
  • Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS)
  • Homogeneity Analysis

# Feature Selection 特征选择

# Components In Feature Selection

  • For every feature selection technique, there must be at least two components
    • Quality Measure
    • Search/Rank Methods
      搜索 / 排名方法

# Example: Linear Regression

  • In linear regression, we are going to predict a numerical variable yy, by using a set of xx variables, e.g., x1,x2,x3,,xnx_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}, \dots , x_{n}
    在线性回归中,我们将通过使用一组xx 变量来预测数值变量yy

  • Search Methods

    • Backward Elimination 反向消除
      Use all xx variables to build the model
      使用所有xx 变量来构建模型,
      Drop xx variables step by step to see whether we can improve the model
      逐步删除xx 变量,看看我们是否可以改进模型

    • Forward Selection 正向选择
      Build a simple model, e.g., a model with only one xx
      构建一个简单的模型,例如,只有一个xx 的模型
      Try to add more xx variables step by step to see whether we can improve the model
      尝试逐步添加更多的xx 变量,看看我们是否可以改进模型

    • Stepwise = Forward + Backward 向前 + 向后

  • In linear regression, we discuss different ways to select independent variables to predict the dependent variable

    Search or Rank Method 搜索 / 排名方法 ---- Quality Measures 质量测量

    • Backward Elimination by using p-value
      利用 p 值反向消除
    • Backward Elimination by using AIC/BIC
      利用 AIC/BIC 反向消除
    • Forward Selection or Stepwise by using AIC/BIC
      使用 AIC/BIC 正向选择或逐步选择

# Quality Measure 质量测量

  • The goodness of a feature/feature subset is dependent on measures
    特征 / 特征子集的优点取决于测量

  • Various measures

    • Information measures (Yu & Liu 2004, Jebara & Jaakkola 2000)
    • Distance measures (Robnik & Kononenko 03, Pudil & Novovicov 98)
    • Dependence measures (Hall 2000, Modrzejewski 1993)
    • Consistency measures (Almuallim & Dietterich 94, Dash & Liu 03)
    • Accuracy measures (Dash & Liu 2000, Kohavi&John 1997)

# Information Measures

  • Entropy of variable XX 变量XX 的熵

    H(X)=iP(xi)log2(P(xi))H(X)=-\sum_{i} P\left(x_{i}\right) \log _{2}\left(P\left(x_{i}\right)\right)

    Impurity Measure 杂质测量

  • Entropy of XX after observing YY 观测YYXX 的熵

    H(XY)=jP(yj)iP(xiyj)log2(P(xiyj))H(X \mid Y)=-\sum_{j} P\left(y_{j}\right) \sum_{i} P\left(x_{i} \mid y_{j}\right) \log _{2}\left(P\left(x_{i} \mid y_{j}\right)\right)

  • Information Gain 信息增益

    IG(XY)=H(X)H(XY)I G(X \mid Y)=H(X)-H(X \mid Y)

This measure is used in decision tree classification

# Accuracy Measures 准确度测量

  • Using classification accuracy of a classifier as an evaluation measure

  • Factors constraining the choice of measures

    • Classifier being used
    • The speed of building the classifier
  • Compared with previous measures 与之前的措施相比

    • Directly aimed to improve accuracy
    • Biased toward the classifier being used
    • More time consuming

# Feature Search 特征搜索

# Feature Ranking 特征排序

  • Weighting and ranking individual features
  • Selecting top ranked ones for feature selection
  • Advantages
    • Efficient: O(N)O(N) in terms of dimensionality NN
    • Easy to implement
  • Disadvantages
    • Hard to determine the threshold
    • Unable to consider correlation between features

# Two Models of Feature Selection

Filter model 过滤器模型
  • Separating feature selection from classifier learning
  • Relying on general characteristics of data (information, distance, dependence, consistency)
    依赖于数据的一般特征 (信息、距离、依赖性、一致性)
  • No bias toward any learning algorithm, fast running
Wrapper model 包装器模型
  • Relying on a pre-determined classification algorithm
  • Using predictive accuracy as goodness measure
  • High accuracy, computationally expensive

# Feature Reduction 特征约简

# Feature Reduction Algorithms

  • Unsupervised

    • Latent Semantic Indexing LSI : truncated SVD
    • Independent Component Analysis ICA
    • Principal Component Analysis PCA
    • Manifold learning algorithms
  • Supervised

    • Linear Discriminant Analysis LDA
    • Canonical Correlation Analysis CCA
    • Partial Least Squares PLS
  • Semi-supervised

Linear Discriminant Analysis LDA 线性判别分析
tries to identify attributes that account for the most variance between classes.
In particular, LDA , in contrast to PCA , is a supervised method, using known class labels.
特别是, LDA 相对于 PCA ,是一种有监督的方法,使用已知的类标签。
Principal Component Analysis PCA 主成分分析
applied to this data identifies the combination of linearly uncorrelated attributes (principal components, or directions in the feature space) that account for the most variance in the data.
应用于这些数据,来识别线性不相关属性 (主成分,或特征空间中的方向) 的组合,这些属性解释了数据中最大的差异
Here we plot the different samples on the 2 first principal components.
Singular Value Decomposition SVD 奇异值分解
is a factorization of a real or complex matrix.
Actually SVD was derived from PCA .
实际上, SVD 是从 PCA 中衍生出来的。

# Principal Component Analysis 主成分分析

# Schemes

Assume we have a data with multiple features

  1. Try to find principle components(PCs) each component is a combination of the linearly uncorrelated attributes/features;
    尝试寻找主成分 (PCs) 每个成分是线性不相关的属性 / 特征的组合
  2. PCA allows to obtain an ordered list of those components that account for the largest amount of the variance from the data;
    PCA 允许从数据中获得解释最大方差的那些组件的排序列表;
  3. The amount of variance captured by the first component is larger than the amount of variance on the second component, and so on.
  4. Then, we can reduce the dimensionality by ignoring the components with smaller contributions to the variance.
  5. The final reduced features we have are no longer the original features, but the difference PCs, each PC is a linear combination of your original features.
    我们最终减少的功能不再是原始功能,而是不同的 PCs,每台 PCs 都是原始功能的线性组合。

# How to obtain those principal components? 如何获得这些主成分?

The basic principle or assumption in PCA is:

The eigenvector of a covariance matrix equal to a principal component, because the eigenvector with the largest eigenvalue is the direction along which the data set has the maximum variance.

Each eigenvector is associated with a eigenvalue;

Eigenvalue ➡️ tells how much the variance is;

Eigenvector ➡️ tells the direction of the variation;

The next step: how to get the covariance matrix and how to calculate the eigenvectors/eigenvalues?
下一步:如何获得协方差矩阵以及如何计算特征向量 / 特征值?

# Visualization of PCA 可视化

The original expression by 3 genres is projected to two new dimensions, Such two dimensional visualization of the samples allow us to draw qualitative conclusions about the separability of experimental conditions (marked by different colors).
原来的三种类型的表达式被投影到两个新的维度,这种样本的二维可视化允许我们对实验条件 (用不同的颜色标记) 的可分性得出定性的结论。

# Anomaly/Outlier Detection 异常 / 离群值检测

  • What are anomalies/outliers? 什么是异常 / 离群值

    • The set of data points that are considerably different than the remainder or the majority of the data
  • Variants of Anomaly/Outlier Detection Problems 异常 / 离群值检测问题的变体

    • Given a database D , find all the data points xDx \in D with anomaly scores greater than some threshold t
      给定一个数据库 D ,在xDx \in D 中查找异常分数大于某个阈值 t 的所有数据点
    • Given a database D , find all the data points xDx \in D having the top-n largest anomaly scores f(x)f(x)
      给定一个数据库 D ,找出所有数据点xDx \in D 的前 n 个最大异常得分f(x)f(x)
    • Given a database D , containing mostly normal (but unlabeled) data points, and a test point xx , compute the anomaly score of xx with respect to D
      给定一个数据库 D ,其中包含大部分正常(但未标记)数据点和一个测试点xx,计算xx 关于 D 的异常分数
  • Applications 应用

    • Credit card fraud detection 信用卡欺诈检测
    • telecommunication fraud detection 电信欺诈检测
    • network intrusion detection 网络入侵检测
    • fault detection 故障检测

# Anomaly Detection Schemes

  • General Steps:

    1. Build a profile of the “normal” behavior
      建立 “正常” 行为的轮廓

      • Profile can be patterns or summary statistics for the overall population
    2. Use the “normal” profile to detect anomalies
      使用 “正常” 轮廓检测异常

      • Anomalies are observations whose characteristics differ significantly from the normal profile
  • Types of anomaly detection schemes

    • Graphical 图形
    • Model based 基于模型
    • Distance based 基于距离
    • Clustering based 基于聚类

# Graphical Approaches 图解法

Boxplot (1-D), Scatter plot (2-D), Spin plot (3-D)

  • Limitations 限制
    • Time consuming 耗时
    • Subjective 主观

# Statistical Approaches - Model based 统计方法 - 基于模型

  • Assume a parametric model describing the distribution of the data (e.g., normal distribution)
    假设参数模型描述数据的分布 (例如,正态分布)
  • Apply a statistical test that depends on
    • Data distribution
    • Parameter of distribution (e.g., mean, variance)
      分布的参数 (例如,均值、方差)
    • Number of expected outliers (confidence limit)
      预期离群值的数量 (置信极限)

# Distance-based Approaches 基于距离的方法

  • Data is represented as a vector of features
  • Three major approaches 三种主要方法
    • Nearest neighbor based 基于最近邻
    • Density based 基于密度
    • Clustering based 基于聚类

# Nearest-Neighbor Based Approach

  • Compute the distance between every pair of data points
  • There are various ways to define outliers:
    • Data points for which there are fewer than p neighboring points within a distance D
      距离 D 内邻接点少于 p 个的数据点
    • The top n data points whose distance to the kth nearest neighbor is greatest
      与第 k 个最近邻点的距离最大的前 n 个数据点
    • The top n data points whose average distance to the k nearest neighbors is greatest
      到 k 个最近邻域的平均距离最大的前 n 个数据点

# Clustering-Based

  • Idea: Use a clustering algorithm that has some notion of outliers!
  • The data which are far away from the centroid could be outliers
  • The set of data in a small cluster could be outliers

# Density-based: LOF approach

  • For each point, compute the density of its local neighborhood; e.g. use DBSCAN’s approach
    对于每个点,计算其局部邻域的密度;例如,使用 DBSCAN 的方法
  • Compute local outlier factor (LOF) of a sample p as the average of the ratios of the density of sample p and the density of its nearest neighbors
    计算样本 p 的局部异常值因子 (LOF) 为样本 p 的密度与其最近邻域的密度之比的平均值
  • Outliers are points with largest LOF value
    离群值是 LOF 值最大的点

In the NN approach, o2o_{2} is not considered as outlier, while LOF approach find both o1o_1 and o2o_{2} as outliers
在神经网络方法中,o2o_{2} 不被认为是异常值,而 LOF 方法发现o1o_{1}o2o_{2} 都是异常值

  • Alternative approach: directly use density function; e.g. DENCLUE’s density function

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