# Decision Trees 决策树

「机器学习实战」摘录 - 决策树

k - 近邻算法可以完成很多分类任务,但是它最大的缺点就是无法给出数据的内在含义,决策树的主要优势就在于数据形式非常容易理解。

  • 优点:计算复杂度不高,输出结果易于理解,对中间值的缺失不敏感,可以处理不相关特征数据。
  • 缺点:可能会产生过度匹配问题。
  • 适用数据类型:数值型和标称型。

# Basic

A decision tree is a flow chart like tree structure

# How it works?

  • We learn and build a tree structure based on the training set
  • After that, we are able to make predictions based on the tree
  • Example, Is it good to play golf? {sunny, windy, high humidity}
    适合打高尔夫吗? 晴朗、多风、高湿度
  • Question: How to learn such a tree? There could be many possible trees

Example: “is it a good day to play golf?”

  • a set of attributes and their possible values

    • outlook → sunny, overcast, rain
    • temperature → cool, mild, hot
    • humidity → high, normal
    • windy → true, false

    In this case, the target class is a binary attribute, so each instance represents a positive or a negative example.

  • So a new instance:
    <rainy ,hot, normal, true> : ?
    will be classified as "noplay"
    • Root node: the top of the tree, e.g. the node Outlook
    • Parent and Children nodes: outlook as the parent, humidity and windy are children nodes
      outlook 作为父节点,“湿度” 和 “风象” 是子节点
    • Leaf node: P , N are the leaf nodes which do not have children and we can reach a leaf node to get the predictions
      P , N 是没有子节点的叶节点,我们可以到达叶节点来获得预测

  • If attributes are continuous, it should be converted into a nominal variable
    • Each path in the tree represents a decision rule:
      1. Rule1:
        If (outlook="sunny") AND (humidity <= 0.75)
        Then (play="yes")
      2. Rule2:
        If (outlook="rainy") AND (wind > 20)
        Then (play="no")
      3. Rule3:
        If (outlook="overcast")
        Then (play="yes")
or Iternative Dichotomizer, was the first of these three Decision Tree techniques implementations developed by Ross Quinlan (Quinlan, J. R. 1986. Induction of Decision Trees. Mach. Learn. 1, 1 (Mar. 1986), 81-106.)
或 Iternative Dichotomizer,是这三种决策树技术的第一个实现,由 Ross Quinlan 开发
Quinlan's next iteration. 昆兰的下一个迭代。
The new features (versus ID3) are:
新的特征(相对于 ID3)是
1. accepts both continuous and discrete features;
2. handles incomplete data points; 
3. solves over-fitting problem by (very clever) bottom-up technique usually known as "__pruning__"; and
    通过(非常聪明的)自下而上的技术解决过度拟合问题,通常被称为 "剪枝";以及
4. different weights can be applied the features that comprise the training data. 
or Classification And Regression Trees. 或分类和回归树。
The CART implementation is very similar to C4.5; the one notable difference is that CART constructs the tree based on a numerical splitting criterion recursively applied to the data.
CART 的实现与 C4.5 非常相似;一个明显的区别是,CART 是根据一个递归应用于数据的数字分割标准来构建树。

# Top-Down Decision Tree Generation 自上而下的决策树生成

  • The basic approach usually consists of two phases:

    1. Tree construction 树的构建
      • At the start, all the training examples are at the root
      • Partition examples are recursively based on selected attributes
    2. Tree pruning 树的修剪
      • remove tree branches that may reflect noise in the training data and lead to errors when classifying test data
      • improve classification accuracy
  • Basic Steps in Decision Tree Construction 决策树构建的基本步骤

    • Tree starts a single node representing all data
    • If sample are all same classthen node becomes a leaf labeled with class label
    • Otherwise, select feature that best separates sample into individual classes.
    • Recursion stops when:
      • Samples in node belong to the same class (majority)
      • There are no remaining attributes on which to split

# Feature Selection 特征筛选

Choosing the “Best” Feature

Feature selection 特征筛选
is the key component in decision trees: deciding what features of the data are relevant to the target class we want to predict.
  • Popular impurity measures in decision tree learning
    • Information Gain: Used in ID3.
      信息增益。在 ID3 中使用。
    • Gain Ratio: improvement over information gain. It is used in C4.5
      增益比:对信息增益的改进。它在 C4.5 中使用
    • Gini Index: Used in CART. It is a measure of how often a randomly chosen element from the set would be incorrectly labelled if it was randomly labelled according to the distribution of labels in the subset.
      吉尼指数。在 CART 中使用。它是衡量从集合中随机选择的元素,如果按照子集合中的标签分布随机贴上标签,那么它被错误贴上标签的频率。

# Understand Entropy & Information Gain 理解熵和信息增益

  • The decision tree is built in a top down fashion, but the question is how do you choose which attribute to split at each node?
    The answer is find the feature that best splits the target class into the purest possible children nodes ( ie : nodes that don't contain a mix of both male and female, rather pure nodes with only one class ).
    答案就是找到能够最好地将目标类分解为尽可能纯的子节点的特性 (例如:不包含男性和女性混合的节点,而是只包含一个类的纯节点)。

  • For instance, in our previous example on recognition of tigers and lions, we have features like stripes, weights, size, color , etc. But, you may notice that, “stripes” is the key feature to distinguish tigers and lions!
    例如,在我们上一个关于老虎和狮子识别的例子中,我们有条纹、重量、大小、颜色等特征,但是,你可能会注意到,“条纹” 是区分老虎和狮子的关键特征!

  • This measure of information is called purity.

  • Entropy is a measure of impurity. Information Gain which is the difference between the entropies before and after.

  • Information_Gain = Entropy_before split - Entropy_after split
    信息增益 = 分割前的熵 - 分割后的熵

  • Entropy_before split = Impurity before the split
    分割前的熵 = 分割前的不纯度

  • Entryopy_after split = Impurtiy after the split
    分割后的熵 = 分割后的不纯度

  • The larger an information gain value (by a feature) is, the feature should be used to split the instances as the “best” node.
    一个信息增益值(由一个特征决定)越大,该特征应该被用来作为 "最佳" 节点来分割实例。

# Trees Construction Algorithm (ID3)

# Decision Tree Learning Method (ID3)

  • Input: a set of training examples SS, a set of features FF

    1. If every element of SS has a class value “yes”, return “yes”; if every element of S has class value “no”, return “no”
    2. Otherwise, choose the best feature ff from FF (if there are no features remaining, then return failure);
    3. Extend tree from ff by adding a new branch for each attribute value of ff
      1. Set F=FF_{'}= F –
    4. Distribute training examples to leaf nodes (so each leaf node nn represents the subset of examples SnS_{n} of SS with the corresponding attribute value
    5. Repeat steps 1-5 for each leaf node nn with SnS_{n} as the new set of training examples and FF_{'} as the set of attributes until we finally label all the leaf nodes
  • Main Question:

    • how do we choose the best feature at each step?

Note: ID3 algorithm only deals with categorical attributes, but can be extended (as in C4.5) to handle continuous attributes

# Choosing the “Best” Feature

Use Information Gain to find the “best” (most discriminating) feature

  • Assume there are two classes, PP and NN (e.g, PP = “yes” and NN = “no”)
  • Let the set of instances SS (training data) contains pp elements of class PP and nn elements of class NN
  • The amount of information, needed to decide if an arbitrary example in SS belongs to PP or NN is defined in terms of entropy, I(p,n)I(p,n):

    I(p,n)=Pr(P)log2Pr(P)Pr(N)log2Pr(N)I(p, n)=-\operatorname{Pr}(P) \log _{2} \operatorname{Pr}(P)-\operatorname{Pr}(N) \log _{2} \operatorname{Pr}(N)

  • Note that Pr(P)=p/(p+n)andPr(N)=n/(p+n)\operatorname{Pr}(P)=p /(p+n) \text { and } \operatorname{Pr}(N)=n /(p+n)
  • More generally, if we have mm classes, and s1,s2,,sms_{1}, s_{2}, \dots , s_{m} are the number of instances of SS in each class, then the entropy is:

    I(s1,s2,,sm)=i=1mpilog2piI\left(s_{1}, s_{2}, \cdots, s_{m}\right)=-\sum_{i=1}^{m} p_{i} \log _{2} p_{i}

    where pip_{i} is the probability that an arbitrary instance belongs to the class ii
  • Now, assume that using attribute AA a set SS of instances will be partitioned into sets s1,s2,,svs_{1}, s_{2}, \dots , s_{v} each corresponding to distinct values of attribute AA.
    • If SiS_{i} contains pip_{i} cases of PP and nin_{i} cases of NN, the entropy, or the expected information needed to classify objects in all subtrees SiS_{i} is

      E(A)=i=1vPr(Si)I(pi,ni)E(A)=\sum_{i=1}^{v} \operatorname{Pr}\left(S_{i}\right) I\left(p_{i}, n_{i}\right)


    The probability that an arbitrary instance in SS belongs to the partition S_

  • The encoding information that would be gained by branching on AA

    Gain(S,A)=E(S)E(A)\operatorname{Gain}(S, A)=E(S)-E(A)

    We use attribute AA to split node SS = Entropy before splitting - Entropy after splitting by using feature AA

  • At any point we want to branch using an attribute that provides the highest information gain.

# Attribute Selection - Example

# Other Criteria

  • Information Entropy and Information Gain
    it is used in ID3

    Gain(S,A)=E(S)E(A)Gain(S, A) = E(S) - E(A)

  • Drawbacks of Information Gain

    • If an attribute has large number of values, it is more possible to be pure by using this attribute
    • IG will introduce biases for these attributes which have large number of values
    • The bias will further result in overfitting problem
  • Gain Ratio

    • It was first introduced to C4.5 classification

      GainRatio=Gain(S,A)/Info(A)Gain Ratio = Gain (S, A)/Info(A)

      Info(A)=i=1vPr(Si)log2Pr(Si)\operatorname{Info}(A)=\sum_{i=1}^{v} \operatorname{Pr}\left(S_{i}\right) \log _{2} \operatorname{Pr}\left(S_{i}\right)

  • Gini Index

    • It was used in the CART algorithm

Same questions in Decision Trees:

  1. Any data requirements?
    Categorical data can be used directly; numeric data may be transformed to categorical ones. Numeric data can be automatically utilized or transformed in C4.5
  2. Is there a learning/optimization process
    Yes, we are going to learn a tree structure.
  3. Overfitting in DT?
    More details in the next page.

# Overfitting and Pruning

# Overfitting Problem

  • Problem: The model is over-trained by the training set; it may showa high accuracy on training set, but significantly worse performance on test set.

  • Let’s see an example
    • You worked classifications on a data set. The data set is big, so you used hold-out evaluation.
      You build a model based on training, and evaluate the model based on the testing set.
      Finally, you get a 99% classification accuracy on the testing set. Is this an example of overfitting?
    • How about N-fold cross validations?

  • Overfitting in DT: A tree may obtain good results on training, but bad on testing
  • The tree may be too specific with many branches & leaf nodes

# Solution: Tree Pruning

  • A tree generated may over-fit the training examples due to noise or too small a set of training data
  • Two approaches to alleviate over-fitting:
    • Stop earlier: Stop growing the tree earlier
    • Post-prune: Allow over-fit and then post-prune the tree
  • Example of the Stop-Earlier:
    • Examine the classification metric (such as accuracy) at each node. Stop the splitting process if the metric meets pre-defined value
    • Use Minimum Description Length MDL principle: halting growth of the tree when the encoding is minimized.

# Post-Pruning the Tree

  • A decision tree based on the training data may need to be pruned
    • over-fitting may result in branches or leaves based on too few examples
    • pruning is the process of removing branches and subtrees that are generated due to noise; this improves classification accuracy
  • Subtree Replacement: merge a subtree into a leaf node
    • At a tree node, if the accuracy without splitting is higher than the accuracy with splitting, replace the subtree with a leaf node; label it using the majority class

Suppose with test set we find 3 red “no” examples, and 2 blue “yes” example. We can replace the tree with a single “no” node. After replacement there will be only 2 errors instead of 5.


KNN ClassifierNaive Bayes ClassifierDecision Trees
PrincipleFind the KNN by distances; Assign the major class label;Calculate conditional probability; compare probability of each label given an example"Build a tree by top-down fashion. The node is selected by""best"" feature"
AssumptionsNoFeatures are conditional independent with labelsNo
Feature TypesCategorical data should be converted to binary valuesNumeric va lues may be converted to categorical onesNumeric values may be converted to categorical ones
Feature NormalizationYesNoNo
OverfittingLazy learner; ParametersImbalance classesTree Pruning

# Regression Tree

  • Decision tree, by default, was developed for classifications where the target variable is a nominal variable
  • The tree-based method can also be extended to predict or estimate a numerical variable – it is the technique of Regression Tree
  • To further understand regression tree, let’s compare decision classification tree vs regression tree
Regression TreeClassification Tree
Target variableNominalNumerical
Output in LeafNominal labelNumerical value (mean of set)
ImpurityG or Gini indexMSE (mean squared error)
BranchesCould be more than twoBinary
Comparison between classification trees and regression trees

# How it works

  • How to split the space to create branch/trees
    Everytime, it iterates all possible value or categories in each feature to create a binary split
    The impurity is MSE. We want to find the best split which makes lowest MSE in each split
    We continue the splitting until it meets stopping criteria

  • How to output a numerical value in leaf node
    The value is the mean of values in a splitted group

Tree Based Learning

  • More complicated but much more effective sometimes
  • Tree based learning: a machine learning method
  • Require feature selection
  • Require to handle overfitting problems (Stop Earlier or Post Pruning)
    要处理过拟合问题 (提前停止或后期剪枝)

# Logistic Regression Logistic 回归

「机器学习实战」摘录 - Logistic回归

利用 Logistic 回归进行分类的主要思想是:根据现有数据对分类边界线建立回归公式,以此进行分类。
这里的 “回归” 一词源于最佳拟合,表示要找到最佳拟合参数集。

  • 优点:计算代价不高,易于理解和实现。
  • 缺点:容易欠拟合,分类精度可能不高。
  • 适用数据类型:数值型和标称型数据。
  • Both Logistic regression and Linear SVM model can be considered as linear classification models.
    Logistic 回归模型和线性 SVM 模型都可以视为线性分类模型。
    They tried to utilize linear models to solve the problem of classifications
  • We discuss logistic regression and SVM by using a binary classification as an example
    以二分类为例讨论逻辑回归和 SVM
  • Note that both of them can be applied to multi class classifications too

# Simple Logistic regression model 简单 Logistic 回归模型

Relationship between qualitative binary variable Y and one x-variable:
定性二元变量 Y 和一个 x 变量之间的关系:

Model for probability p=Pr(Y=1)p=Pr(Y=1) for each value xx.
对于每个值xx 的概率p=Pr(Y=1)p=Pr(Y=1) 的模型。

log(p1p)=β0+β1x\log \left(\frac{p}{1-p}\right)=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1} x

Odds=p1p=P(Y=1)P(Y=0)\text { Odds }=\frac{p}{1-p}=\frac{P(Y=1)}{P(Y=0)}

measures the odds that event Y=1Y = 1 occurs
测量 Y=1Y = 1 事件发生的概率

In logistic regression, we use 1 and 0 to denote binary labels
在逻辑回归中,用 1 和 0 来表示二进制标号

# Interpreting

Let p=Pr(Y=1)p=Pr(Y=1) the probability of “success”
p=Pr(Y=1)p=Pr(Y=1) 成功的概率

  • If odd>1 then Pr(Y=1)>Pr(Y=0)Pr(Y=1) > Pr(Y=0)Pr(Y=1)>0.5Pr(Y=1) > 0.5
  • If odd=1 then Pr(Y=1)=Pr(Y=0)Pr(Y=1) = Pr(Y=0)Pr(Y=1)=0.5Pr(Y=1) = 0.5
  • If odd<1 then P=Pr(Y=1)<Pr(Y=0)P=Pr(Y=1) < Pr(Y=0)Pr(Y=1)<0.5Pr(Y=1) < 0.5

# General Logistic Regression

  • We may have several x variables in the model
    模型中可能有几个 x 变量

    log(p1p)=β0+β1x1+β2x2+β3x3+β4x4+β5x12+β6x1x2\log \left(\frac{p}{1-p}\right)=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1} x_{1}+\beta_{2} x_{2}+\beta_{3} x_{3}+\beta_{4} x_{4}+\beta_{5} x_{1}^{2}+\beta_{6} x_{1} x_{2}

  • 0.5 is the default cut off value, but we may improve the model by using other cut off values
    0.5 是默认的 cut off 值,但可以使用其他的 cut off 值来改进模型
    • P(Y=1)>=alphaP(Y=1) >= alpha ➔ predicted as 1
    • P(Y=1)<alphaP(Y=1) < alpha ➔ predicted as 0
    • Try different alpha values to see which one is the best
      尝试不同的 alpha 值,看看哪个是最优的
  • The model is interpretable. P(Y=1)P(Y=1) can be considered as a confidence value
    模型是可解释的。P(Y=1)P(Y=1) 可以认为是一个置信度值

# Model fitting or building 模型拟合或建造

  • The process is similar to the linear regression models
  • X must be numerical variable. Transformation is required if there are nominal variables
    X 必须是数值变量,如果有标称变量,则需要进行转换。
  • Feature selection methods, such as backward elimination, forward or stepwise selection, can also be applied
  • Residual analysis needs to be performed
  • The model is evaluated by classification metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, ROC curve, etc
    通过准确率、精密度、召回率、ROC 曲线等分类指标对模型进行评价

# Example: Logistic Regression

Data: Case Study 3 Admissions

  1. load and split data

    mydata = read.csv("case3_admission.csv", header=T) 
    mydata = mydata[sample (nrow (mydata)),]
    select.data = sample(1:nrow (mydata), 0.8*nrow (mydata)) 
    train.data = mydata[select.data,]
    test.data = mydata[-select.data, ]
        admit	gre	gpa	rank
    265	1	520	3.90	3
    140	1	600	3.58	1
    120	0	340	2.92	3
    172	0	540	2.81	3
    247	0	680	3.34	2
    168	0	720	3.77	3
    train.label = train.data$admit
    test.label = test.data$admit
  2. build model by FS

    full = glm(admit~gre+gpa+rank, data=train.data, family=binomial())
    base = glm(admit~gpa, data=train.data, family=binomial())
    step(base, scope=list (upper=full, lower=~1), direction="both", trace=F)
    Call: glm(formula = admit ~ gpa + rank + gre, family = binomial(), data=train.data)
    (Intercept)	gpa	rank	gre
    -2.861669	0.683853	-0.594686	0.002019
    Degrees of Freedom: 319 Total (i.e. Null); 316 Residual
    Null Deviance:	402.1
    Residual Deviance: 370.7	AIC:378.7
  3. produce probabilities

    prob = predict(full, type="response", newdata=test.data)
  4. choose cut off value to calculate accuracy

    for(i in l:length(prob)){
        if(prob[i] > 0.5) { # cut off value
            prob[i] = l
        } else {
            prob[i] = 0
    accuracy(test.label, prob)
    [1] 0.6875
    for(i in l:length(prob)){
        if(prob[i] > 0.4) { # cut off value
            prob[i] = l
        } else {
            prob[i] = 0
    [1] 0.7
「机器学习实战」摘录 - Logistic回归的一般过程
  1. 收集数据:采用任意方法收集数据。
  2. 准备数据:由于需要进行距离计算,因此要求数据类型为数值型。另外,结构化数据格式则最佳。
  3. 分析数据:采用任意方法对数据进行分析。
  4. 训练算法:大部分时间将用于训练,训练的目的是为了找到最佳的分类回归系数。
  5. 测试算法:一旦训练步骤完成,分类将会很快。
  6. 使用算法:首先,我们需要输入一些数据,并将其转换成对应的结构化数值;接着,基于训练好的回归系数就可以对这些数值进行简单的回归计算,判定它们属于哪个类别;在这之后,我们就可以在输出的类别上做一些其他分析工作。

# Support Vector Machines (SVM) 支持向量机

「机器学习实战」摘录 - 支持向量机

有些人认为,SVM 是最好的现成的分类器,这里说的 “现成” 指的是分类器不加修改即可直接使用。同时,这就意味着在数据上应用基本形式的 SVM 分类器就可以得到低错误率的结果。SVM 能够对训练集之外的数据点做出很好的分类决策。

  • 优点:泛化错误率低,计算开销不大,结果易解释。
  • 缺点:对参数调节和核函数的选择敏感,原始分类器不加修改仅适用于处理二类问题。
  • 适用数据类型:数值型和标称型数据。

# Linear SVM

  • Draw a linear model to separate two classes
  • The model could be a straight line model (such as regression line in 2D space)
    模型可以是直线模型 (如二维空间中的回归线)
  • The model could be a hyperplane model in multi dimensional space

We use straight line model as an example in the class. But, you should also keep in mind that the hyperplane model is still linear SVM
课堂上以直线模型为例。但是还应该记住,超平面模型仍然是线性 SVM。

f(x,w,b)=sign(wx+b)f(x, w, b)=\operatorname{sign}(w x+b)

PINK denotes → +1
BLUE denotes → -1

In logistic regression, we use 0 and 1 for binary labels.
在逻辑回归中,我们使用 01 作为二进制标签。
In SVM, we use +1 and -1 as binary labels.
在 SVM 中,我们使用 +1-1 作为二进制标签。

How would you classify this data?
Any of these would be fine..

「机器学习实战」摘录 - 超平面

上述将数据集分隔开来的直线称为分隔超平面 separating hyperplane
如果数据集是 1024 维的,那么就需要一个 1023 维的某某对象来对数据进行分隔。
这个 1023 维的某某对象到底应该叫什么?N-1 维呢?
该对象被称为超平面 hyperplane ,也就是分类的决策边界。


..but which is best?

# Definition: Margin 间隔

Define the hyperplane HH such that:
定义超平面HH 为:

xiw+b+1whenyi=+1xiw+b1whenyi=1x_{i}w+b \geq +1 \text { when } y_{i} = +1 \\ x_{i}w+b \leq -1 \text { when } y_{i} = -1

H1H_{1} and H2H_{2} are the planes:

H1:xiw+b=+1H_{1}: x_{i}w+b = +1

H2:xiw+b=1H_{2}: x_{i}w+b = -1

The points on the planes H1H_{1} and H2H_{2} are the points in two classes (+1, -1) on the boundary.
平面H1H_{1}H2H_{2} 上的点是边界上两类 (+1, -1) 中的点。

They are also called the Support Vectors.

d+d^{+} = the shortest distance to the closest positive point
dd^{-} = the shortest distance to the closest negative point

The margin of a separating hyperplane is d++dd^{+} + d^{-}
分隔超平面的边界是 d++dd^{+} + d^{-}

set MM = Margin Width

Objective: Maximal Margin in SVM Classification


What we know:

  • wx++b=+1wx^{+} + b = +1
  • wx+b=1wx^{-} + b = -1
  • w(x+x)=2w(x^{+}-x^{-}) = 2
「机器学习实战」摘录 - 间隔

这里点到分隔面的距离被称为间隔 margin

支持向量 support vector 就是离分隔超平面最近的那些点。

# Method: Maximizing the Margin 寻找最大间隔

We want a classifier with as big margin as possible.


Maximize MM ➔ Minimize w|w| ➔ Minimize 12wTw\frac{1}{2} w^{\mathrm{T}} w = objective function 目标函数

「机器学习实战」摘录 - 寻找最大间隔

如何求解数据集的最佳分隔直线?先来看看图 6-3。
分隔超平面的形式可以写成 (wTx+b)(w^{\mathrm{T}}x+b)
要计算点 A 到分隔超平面的距离,就必须给出点到分隔面的法线或垂线的长度,该值为 wTA+bw\frac{|w^{\mathrm{T}}A+b|}{\|w\|}
这里的常数bb 类似于 Logistic 回归中的截距w0w_0
这里的向量ww 和常数bb 一起描述了所给数据的分隔线或超平面。接下来我们讨论分类器。

# Solving the Optimization Problem 解决分类器求解的优化问题

Find ww and bb such that
Φ(w)=12wTw\Phi(w)=\frac{1}{2} w^{\mathrm{T}}w is minimized;
and for all {(xi,yi)}:yi(wTxi+b)1\left\{\left(x_{i}, y_{i}\right)\right\}: y_{i}\left(w^{\mathrm{T}} x_{i}+b\right) \geq 1

Need to optimize a quadratic function subject to linear constraints.

Quadratic optimization problems are a well-known class of mathematical programming problems, and many (rather intricate) algorithms exist for solving them.
二次优化问题是一类著名的数学规划问题,有许多 (相当复杂的) 算法来解决它们。

The solution involves constructing a dual problem where a Lagrange multiplier αi\alpha_{i} associated with every constraint in the primary problem:
解决方案涉及构造一个对偶问题,其中拉格朗日乘子αi\alpha_{i} 与主问题中的每个约束相关联:

Find αiαN\alpha_{i} \dots \alpha_{N} such that
Q(α)=αi12αiαjyiyjxiTxjQ(\alpha)=\sum \alpha_{i}-\frac{1}{2} \sum \sum \alpha_{i} \alpha_{j} y_{i} y_{j} x_{i}{ }^{\mathrm{T}} x_{j} is maximized and

  1. αiyi=0\sum \alpha_{i}y_{i} = 0
  2. αi0\alpha_{i} \ge 0 for all αi\alpha_{i}.
「机器学习实战」摘录 - 为什么SVM类别标签采用-1和+1,而不是0和1呢?

这是由于 -1+1 仅仅相差一个符号,方便数学上的处理。
我们可以通过一个统一公式来表示间隔或者数据点到分隔超平面的距离,同时不必担心数据到底是属于 -1 还是 +1 类。

当计算数据点到分隔面的距离并确定分隔面的放置位置时,间隔通过label(wTx+b)label * (w^{\mathrm{T}}x+b) 来计算,这时就能体现出 -1+1 类的好处了。

label(wTx+b)label * (w^{\mathrm{T}}x+b) 被称为点到分隔面的函数间隔, label(wTx+b)1wlabel * (w^{\mathrm{T}}x+b) \cdot \frac{1}{\|w\|} 称为点到分隔面的几何间隔。

如果数据点处于正方向(即 +1 类)并且离分隔超平面很远的位置时,(wTx+b)(w^{\mathrm{T}}x+b) 会是一个很大的正数,同时label(wTx+b)label * (w^{\mathrm{T}}x+b) 也会是一个很大的正数。
而如果数据点处于负方向( -1 类)并且离分隔超平面很远的位置时,此时由于类别标签为 -1 ,则label(wTx+b)label * (w^{\mathrm{T}}x+b) 仍然是一个很大的正数。

「机器学习实战」摘录 - 找出分类器定义中的w和b


argmaxw,b{minn(label(wTx+b))1w}\arg \max _{w, b}\left\{\min _{n}\left(\text { label } \cdot\left(w^{\mathrm{T}} x+b\right)\right) \cdot \frac{1}{\|w\|}\right\}


如果令所有支持向量的label(wTx+b)label * (w^{\mathrm{T}}x+b) 都为 1,那么就可以通过求w1\|w\|^{-1} 的最大值来得到最终解。
但是,并非所有数据点的label(wTx+b)label * (w^{\mathrm{T}}x+b) 都等于 1,只有那些离分隔超平面最近的点得到的值才为 1。
而离超平面越远的数据点,其label(wTx+b)label * (w^{\mathrm{T}}x+b) 的值也就越大。

这里的约束条件就是label(wTx+b)1label * (w^{\mathrm{T}}x+b) \ge 1


maxα[i=1mα12i,j=1mlabel(i)label(j)aiajx(i),x(j)](2)\max _{\alpha}\left[\sum_{i=1}^{m} \alpha-\frac{1}{2} \sum_{i, j=1}^{m} \mathrm{label}^{(i)} \cdot \mathrm{label}^{(j)} \cdot a_{i} \cdot a_{j}\left\langle x^{(i)}, x^{(j)}\right\rangle\right]^{(2)}

尖括号表示 x(i)x^{(i)}x(j)x^{(j)} 两个向量的内积

α0\alpha \ge 0i=1mαilabel(i)=0\sum_{i=1}^{m} \alpha_{i} \cdot \text { label }^{(i)}=0

至此,一切都很完美,但是这里有个假设:数据必须 100% 线性可分。

# Dataset with noise

Hard Margin
So far we require all data points be classified correctly
No training errors are allowed
Hard margin will build models without errors, which may introduce overfitting
Soft Margin
we allow errors but we want to minimize the errors
Soft margin allows errors in the model, which may help build a more general model
Slack variables ξi\xi_{i} can be added to allow misclassification of difficult or noisy examples.

New objective function Minimize 新目标函数最小化

12ww+Ck=1Rεk\frac{1}{2} ww+C \sum_{k=1}^{R} \varepsilon_{k}

  • The old formulation: Hard Margin
    Find ww and bb such that
    Φ(w)=12wTw\Phi(w)=\frac{1}{2} w^{\mathrm{T}}w is minimized;
    and for all {(xi,yi)}\left\{\left(x_{i}, y_{i}\right)\right\}:
    yi(wTxi+b)1y_{i}\left(w^{\mathrm{T}} x_{i}+b\right) \geq 1

  • The new formulation incorporating slack variables: Soft Margin
    Find ww and bb such that
    Φ(w)=12wTw+Cξi\Phi(w)=\frac{1}{2} w^{\mathrm{T}}w+C \sum \xi_{i} is minimized;
    and for all {(xi,yi)}\left\{\left(x_{i}, y_{i}\right)\right\}:
    yi(wTxi+b)1ξiy_{i}\left(w^{\mathrm{T}} x_{i}+b\right) \geq 1-\xi_{i} and ξi0\xi_{i} \geq 0 for all ii

  • Parameter CC can be viewed as a way to control overfitting.
    常数 CC 可以被看作是一种控制过拟合的方法。

「机器学习实战」摘录 - 松弛变量(slack variable)

几乎所有数据都不那么 “干净”。
这时我们就可以通过引入所谓松弛变量 slack variable ,来允许有些数据点可以处于分隔面的错误一侧。


Cα0C \ge \alpha \ge 0i=1mαilabel(i)=0\sum_{i=1}^{m} \alpha_{i} \cdot \text { label }^{(i)}=0

这里的常数 CC 用于控制 “最大化间隔” 和 “保证大部分点的函数间隔小于 1.0” 这两个目标的权重。
在优化算法的实现代码中,常数 CC 是一个参数,因此我们就可以通过调节该参数得到不同的结果。
一旦求出了所有的 α\alpha,那么分隔超平面就可以通过这些 α\alpha 来表达。
这一结论十分直接,SVM 中的主要工作就是求解这些 α\alpha

# Non-Linear SVM

  • Datasets that are linearly separable with some noise work out great:

  • But what are we going to do if the dataset is just too hard?

  • How about mapping data to a higher dimensional space:

# Feature spaces 特征空间

  • We can map the original data to higher dimensional space

  • General idea: 总体思路:
    the original input space can always be mapped to some higher-dimensional feature space where the training set is separable:

  • In the 2D space, our linear SVM model is f(x)=wx+bf(x) = wx + b
    在 2D 空间中,我们的线性 SVM 模型是

  • In the MD space, our model becomes f(x)=wφ(x)+bf(x)=w \varphi(x)+b

  • φ(x)\varphi(x) are the new vectors mapped to a higher dimensional space
    φ(x)\varphi(x) 是映射到更高维度空间的新向量

# The Kernel Function 核函数

  • A Kernel Function is some function that corresponds to an inner product in some expanded feature space.

  • It helps us convert the input space from lower dimension to higher dimension by using the inner product.

K(xi,xj)=φ(xi)Tφ(xj)K\left(x_{i}, x_{j}\right)=\varphi\left(x_{i}\right)^{\mathrm{T}} \varphi\left(x_{j}\right)

  • Examples of Popular Kernel Functions
    • Linear Kernel

    K(xi,xj)=xiTxjK\left(x_{i}, x_{j}\right)=x_{i}^{\mathrm{T}} x_{j}

    • Polynomial Kernel of power p

    K(xi,xj)=(1+xiTxj)pK\left(x_{i}, x_{j}\right)=\left(1+x_{i}^{\mathrm{T}} x_{j}\right)^{p}

    • Gaussian (radial basis function network) Kernel

    K(xi,xj)=exp(xixj22σ2)K\left(x_{i}, x_{j}\right)=\exp \left(-\frac{\left\|x_{i}-x_{j}\right\|^{2}}{2 \sigma^{2}}\right)

    • Sigmoid Kernel

    K(xi,xj)=tanh(β0xiTxj+β1)K\left(x_{i}, x_{j}\right)=\tanh \left(\beta_{0} x_{i}^{\mathrm{T}} x_{j}+\beta_{1}\right)

# Non-linear SVMs Mathematically

  • Dual problem formulation:
    Find αiαN\alpha_{i} \dots \alpha_{N} such that
    Q(α)=Σαi12ΣΣαiαjyiyjK(xi,xj)Q(\alpha) = \Sigma \alpha_{i}-\frac{1}{2} \Sigma \Sigma \alpha_{i} \alpha_{j} y_{i} y_{j} K\left(x_{i}, x_{j}\right) is maximized and

    1. αiyi=0\sum \alpha_{i}y_{i} = 0
    2. αi0\alpha_{i} \ge 0 for all αi\alpha_{i}.
  • The solution is: Still linear formula

f(x)=ΣαiyiK(xi,xj)+bf(x)=\Sigma \alpha_{i} y_{i} K\left(x_{i}, x_{j}\right)+b

  • Optimization techniques for finding αi\alpha_{i} is remain the same!

# Overview

  • SVM finds a separating hyperplane in the feature space and classify points in that space.
    SVM 在特征空间中找到一个分离超平面,并对该空间中的点进行分类。
  • It does not need to represent the space explicitly, simply by defining a kernel function.
  • The kernel function plays the role of the dot product in the feature space.

# Weakness of SVM

# It is sensitive to noise 它对噪音很敏感

A relatively small number of mislabeled examples can dramatically decrease the performance

# It only considers two classes 它只考虑两类

how to do multi-class classification (MCC) with SVM?

There are many methods to convert MCC to binary classification.
有很多方法可以将 MCC 转换为二进制分类。

Below is one of these methods:

  1. with output arity m, learn m SVM’s

    • SVM 1 learns Output == 1 vs Output != 1
    • SVM 2 learns Output == 2 vs Output != 2
    • ...
    • SVM m learns Output == m vs Output != m
  2. To predict the output for a new input, just predict with each SVM and find out which one puts the prediction the furthest into the positive region.
    要预测新输入的输出,只需对每个 SVM 进行预测,并找出哪个预测最接近正区域。

# Support Vector Regression (SVR)

  • In SVM, we have two lines on the boundary -they are the lines closest to the hyper-plane (i.e., the SVM classifier line or plane). Our model is the hyper-plane which wants to maximize the margin/distances
    在 SVM 中,我们在边界上有两条线 —— 它们是最接近超平面的线 (即 SVM 分类器线或平面)。我们的模型是超平面,它想要最大化余量 / 距离

  • In SVR, we have two lines on the boundary -they are the lines farthest to the hyper-plane (i.e., the regression line). Our model is the hyper plane or regression line which minimizes the distances
    在 SVR 中,我们在边界上有两条线 —— 它们是离超平面最远的线 (即回归线)。我们的模型是超平面或回归线,它使距离最小化

  • Same characteristics: the hyper-plane are the models in between the boundary lines

# Multi-Class Classification by Binary Classification 二元分类法的多类分类法

  • All the classification techniques we discussed can be applied to multi class classifications
  • Multi Class classification can be solved by multiple binary classifications
    • One vs. One
    • One vs. Rest
    • Many vs. Many

# Strategy 1: One vs. One

  • Assume we have NN labels
    假设我们有NN 个标签
  • We will choose unique pair of these labels, and perform N(N1)2\frac{N(N-1)}{2} binary classifications
    我们将选择这些标签的唯一对,并执行N(N1)2\frac{N(N-1)}{2} 二进制分类
  • We will get N(N1)2\frac{N(N-1)}{2} classification results
    我们将得到N(N1)2\frac{N(N-1)}{2} 分类结果
  • Finally, we use voting to get the final prediction results
  • Notes: one label as positive, another as negative

Example: Assume we have 4 labels: c1, c2, c3, c4
We will get N(N1)2=6\frac{N(N-1)}{2} = 6 unique pairs

c1, c2Binary ClassificationPredictions
c1, c3Binary Classification
c1, c4Binary Classification
c2, c3Binary Classification
c2, c4Binary Classification
c3, c4Binary Classification

# Strategy 2: One vs. Rest

  • Assume we have NN labels
    假设我们有NN 个标签
  • We will perform NN binary classifications
    我们将执行NN 二进制分类
  • In each classification, we predict CC vs. Not-CC
    在每个分类中,我们预测CC vs. Not-CC
  • Finally, we use voting to get the final prediction results
  • Notes: one label as positive, others as negative

Example: Assume we have 4 labels: c1, c2, c3, c4
We will perform N=4N = 4 binary classifications

c1, ┐c1Binary ClassificationPredictions
c2, ┐c2Binary Classification
c3, ┐c3Binary Classification
c4, ┐c4Binary Classification

# Strategy 3: Many vs. Many

  • Assume we have NN labels
    假设我们有NN 个标签
  • We will perform NN binary classifications
    我们将执行NN 二进制分类
  • They encode labels into new ones
  • Example: Error Correcting Output Codes, ECOC
  • Notes: one set as positive, another set as negative

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